Bruzon Batista,L vs Ivanchuk,V - 49th Capablanca Elite 2014 2014.05.09
Bruzon Batista,L vs Ivanchuk,V
49th Capablanca Elite 2014 Havana CUB2.1 2014.05.09
Sicilian Defense: Canal Attack, Haag Gambit 1/2-1/2
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Bruzon Batista,L vs Ivanchuk,V
49th Capablanca Elite 2014 Havana CUB2.1 2014.05.09
Sicilian Defense: Canal Attack, Haag Gambit 1/2-1/2
Jones,G vs Laznicka,V
4NCL 2013-14 Hinckley ENG11.114 2014.05.05
Caro-Kann Defense: Classical Variation 1-0
Gajewski,G vs Salgado Lopez,I
46th TCh-ITA 2014 Condino ITA3.1 2014.05.01
Neo-Grünfeld Defense: Exchange Variation 1/2-1/2
Adams,Mi vs Vachier Lagrave,M
4NCL 2013-14 Hinckley ENG11.111 2014.05.05
Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation 0-1
So,W vs Bruzon Batista,L
49th Capablanca Elite 2014 Havana CUB1.1 2014.05.08
Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical Variation 1/2-1/2
Vallejo Pons,F vs Almasi,Z
49th Capablanca Elite 2014 Havana CUB1.2 2014.05.08
Blackburne Shilling Gambit 1/2-1/2
Iordachescu,V vs Erdos,V
46th TCh-ITA 2014 Condino ITA4.2 2014.05.02
Slav Defense: Alekhine Variation 1/2-1/2
Shirov,A vs Sadler,M
4NCL 2013-14 Hinckley ENG11.113 2014.05.05
French Defense: Burn Variation 1/2-1/2
Caruana,F vs Erdos,V
46th TCh-ITA 2014 Condino ITA5.1 2014.05.02
Ruy Lopez: Morphy Defense, Tartakower Variation 1-0
Giri,A vs McShane,L
4NCL 2013-14 Hinckley ENG11.112 2014.05.05
Slav Defense: Alekhine Variation 1-0